Exposition about the Holy Royal Martyrs

The exhibition of forty-nine stands presents the life and spiritual path of the family of the last Russian Emperor, Nicholas II.

Here, one can see many historical photographs, documents, and diary quotes. There is information about the life of the Royal Family, their service to God and the Fatherland, and their works of mercy and care for the Church. Many interesting historical facts are presented. The text of the album is based on diary entries and memories of witnesses to those events, as well as on the words of prominent clergy and intellectuals. This helps to have a clear inside look at both the life and achievements of the Royal Family and the events of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Authors of the exhibition: Dmitry Ostroumov, Ekaterina Ostroumova.
Supervisor (exhibition, design, texts): Ekaterina Ostroumova.
Editor and proofreader: Tatyana Kuznetsova.
Layout: Elena Shabad.
Head of the project: Dmitry Ostroumov.
Year: 2023
The album shows in detail the childhood and youth of the future Tsar and Tsarina. It notes the important state and church affairs in which they participated. It reveals the beauty of their family relationships and parenting. There is a lot of material about each individual member of the Royal Family. This can help form an objective image of the character and life of these great people.

There are special materials about loyal servants who followed the Royal Martyrs into exile with courage and fidelity. They shared their suffering and set an example of worthy service to God, the Fatherland, and loyalty to the oath and honor.

Several stands tell about the Via Crucis of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, and the Alapaev martyrs.

The exposition ends with the stands related to the Via Crucis of the Royal Family. This is the period from the abdication of Nicholas II to their execution on July 17, 1918, in Yekaterinburg.

Detailed notes and memoirs, as well as illustrations, make it possible to share this path with the Royal Martyrs in contemplation and to come into spiritual contact with the last year of their lives and their martyrdom. Part of the exhibition concerns the veneration of the Royal Martyrs in the 20th century and their canonization.

This large-scale exhibition is a sort of textual icon and an offering of the deepest respect to the Royal Martyrs and their Way of the Cross. They laid the foundation for the feat of faith of all new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church and the preservation of Russian holiness in the 20th and early 21st centuries.
Information from the stands: